If you’ve ever bought a home, you might know how disheartening it is when issues arise in your largest investment. It might be that your home is leaking, mould starts to appear, or things seem to be falling apart.
If you’ve ever bought a home, you might know how disheartening it is when issues arise in your largest investment. It might be that your home is leaking, mould starts to appear, or things seem to be falling apart.

How we can help
As expert building consultants, The Construction Adviser offer a forensic building inspection service, documented with images and explanation notes. We also provide references to codes and standards, as required. We regularly provide detailed and code-compliant remediation scopes for homeowners’ builders to follow, and undertake inspections during the repair process to ensure the works are compliant and suitable.
We also offer a spectrum of consultation services, including inspections and field reports, overall condition reports, detailed remediation design, and scopes of works.
We can even tender the remediation work and act as a superintendent for your home’s repair work. The sooner building failures or issues are uncovered and diagnosed, the easier and cheaper it is to repair.

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